

Audax Private Equity and our portfolio companies play an integral role in our local communities. We embrace this role through the Audax Charitable Foundation that aims to propel grassroots, nonprofit organizations in our local Boston and San Francisco communities; through our adherence to sound responsible investment practices; and through our commitment to teamwork and appreciation for new and different perspectives.
ACF & Grantee News
ACF Grantees

Over the last 12 months, we've provided multi-year and special one-time grants to the following charities. (A full listing of previous grant recipients is accessible in the ACF Annual Report).

InnerCity Weightlifting
Responsible Investing

Sustainability, community, and governance considerations are a significant factor in our investment processes and the operations of our portfolio companies. Alongside third-party consultants, we evaluate non-financial risks and seek opportunities to create value by addressing these areas, and believe that by doing so we can enhance our ability to build better businesses, create value over longer-term horizons, and help drive risk-adjusted returns.

  • Resource Conservation
  • Waste Reduction
  • Carbon Emissions
  • Climate Change
  • Environmental Protection
  • Workforce Development & Engagement
  • Employee Health & Safety
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Labor Practices
  • Community Engagement
  • Management Policies
  • Board Structure
  • Corporate Governance
  • Cybersecurity
  • Bribery and Corruption
Responsible Investing

Audax Private Equity's Responsible Investment Committee includes six Managing Directors and the VP, Responsible Investment, who support the firm's commitment to these areas. The Committee oversees the implementation of the firm’s responsible investment policy, reviews non-financial considerations surfaced during due diligence, discloses any material issues to internal and external investors, and manages related training for members of the deal team to ensure that the firm is aligned on responsible investment priorities informed by the American Investment Council's Guidelines for Responsible Investment and the UN Principles on Responsible Investing.